How to Pronounce SINOTHERMO?
Welcome to the pronunciation guide for SINOTHERMO, the abbreviation of Sinothermo Engineering Technology (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. As a global leader in manufacturing industrial dryers, granulators, mixers, and pulverizers, we understand the importance of making our name easy to pronounce and remember for our international customers. That’s why we’ve simplified it to “Sigh-no-ther-mo”.

Pronunciation guide
Ret-kl Pronunciation
- Phonetic Spelling:/ˌsaɪ.noʊˈθɜːr.moʊ/
- Pronunciation Breakdown:
- Sai” sounds like the beginning of “Sigh,” pronounced as “sai.”
- “no” is pronounced like the word “no.”
- “ther” sounds like the beginning of “thermal,” pronounced as “ther.”
- “mo” is pronounced like the word “moe.”
Audio Example
Listening to the audio example will help you master the pronunciation of /ˌsaɪ.noʊˈθɜːr.moʊ/quickly and accurately.